An etherealgirl's Adventures in Cyberland

Thursday, October 21, 2004

former Republican Senator for Kerry "frightened to death" of Bush

story here.

Doubts are springing up everywhere within the Republican ranks....

"The wonderful thing about this country is its gift of citizenship, then it's freedom to register as one sees fit. For me, as a Republican, I feel that when my party gives me a dangerous leader who flouts the truth, takes the country into an undeclared war and then adds a war on terrorism to it without debate by the Congress, we have a duty to rid ourselves of those who are taking our country on a perilous ride in the wrong direction.

If we are indeed the party of Lincoln (I paraphrase his words), a president who deems to have the right to declare war at will without the consent of the Congress is a president who far exceeds his power under our Constitution.

I will take John Kerry for four years to put our country on the right path."~~~Marlow W. Cook

Posted by etherealfire :: 4:19 AM :: 0 Comments:

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