An etherealgirl's Adventures in Cyberland

Monday, October 04, 2004

Kerry takes on the latest Republican Misinformation Attempt

from, "Kerry dismisses criticism of 'global test' remark as 'pathetic'. Story here. I'm so happy to see him responding to these master manipulators repeatedly and in record time. It is a sad, sad day in this country when every single thing you say can be twisted and manipulated for the completely unethical purpose of trying to re-write public opinion and force-feed lies to what the Republican campaign appears to disdainfully view as the unwashed and ill-informed masses.

"If you do things that are illegitimate in the eyes of the other people, it's very hard to get them to share the burden and risk with you." ~John Kerry

Posted by etherealfire :: 4:00 PM :: 0 Comments:

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