An etherealgirl's Adventures in Cyberland

Monday, December 27, 2004

i'm an etherealgirl

It's been a crazy couple of days between lovely holiday festivities and news from home, as well as helping my little sis with her move-in. So I've been trying to relax this evening, mainly by just cruising my fav journal-reads and going through the updated list at my journal's host, the most awesome diary-x.

Don't get me wrong: I also love my most awesome blogging host, Blogger, but I like to keep both an online journal and a blog for separate types of entries. I know alot of people (my lil sis and my daughter included) like the convenience of using a blog or a journal as a one-stop spot for both personal observations and journal-type entries as well as link tracking but I prefer to try to keep the two types of posting, separate. Just works for me better, I guess. So I really love having a blog and an online journal.

Eh, I'm so drained I'm just blathering senselessly this evening...

Anyway, while cruising the updated list, I found this quiz, via hidamali's journal:

You are a New Age Girl!

You're bright, opinionated, and dedicated to changing the world.
Even if it's one hybrid car at a time, you do you part to make things better.
In fact, you may be so busy with your causes that you have little time for love.
Take an extra yoga class or two, and you just might meet New Age Guy!

What Kind of Girl Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

Posted by etherealfire :: 11:35 PM :: 0 Comments:

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