An etherealgirl's Adventures in Cyberland
Sunday, September 28, 2003
bands taking a stand
Bands Rock Against Bush states a
Rolling news article. A consolidated effort is being planned via concert tours and at least one compilation cd. One tour planned by Audioslave guitarist (formerly of Rage Against the Machine) is tentatively to be called the
Tell Us the Truth tour due to begin in the fall to coincide with the 2004 election campaigns. The Dixie Chicks no longer need to stand alone in the wilderness! The Dixie Chicks are vindicated!
Posted by etherealfire ::
4:51 PM ::
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Saturday, September 27, 2003
the art of photography
Today's surf provided me with a serendipitous encounter with the beauty of the natural world captured and showcased with photographic care at a lovely little corner of the web called
FINS Studios!
Look at this lovely interpretation of a
Southbound Suarez(!) by a really talented wildlife photographer. And while you are at it, please enjoy this beautiful page of
his enchanting work!
This one just melted my heart!
There are many other beautiful examples of "eye candy" to check out at this lovely spot on the web as well. Pageygirls like me will certainly appreciate
THIS!!! LOL! But there is lots of beautiful, whimsical and fun things to see here as well. Enjoy!!!
Posted by etherealfire ::
1:07 PM ::
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Tuesday, September 23, 2003
some astrological insight
As a perennial amateur astrologer completely addicted to the amazing information bonanza to be found on the subject just by surfing the Information Superhighway, I spend a significant amount of time delving into the many wonderful sites the internet has to offer on the subject. One of the most meaningful and connecting
finds I ever had the luck to encounter was a lovely little site called
Big Sky Astrology a wonderful site full of beautifully written and informative essays by astrologer (and rennaisance woman extraordinaire) April Kent.
Maybe it is because we share a Gemini Moon that is only a few degrees apart or the fact that her rising sign is in Sagittarius (where I have a stellium that includes my own MC there), maybe it is because we share an assortment of mutual interests, but whatever it is, her writing speaks to me in a way that I have never quite experienced before. She brings astrology alive in the most personal way, by sharing the real effects it has on her life.
I dream of being an essayist with even half the skill that she brings to her accounts. I await her monthly gems of wit and wisdom with anticipation and I am never disappointed at the result! To discover some wonderful writing and some practical experiences of astrological effect in one woman's life, please go check this wonderful little jewel of a site out!
Posted by etherealfire ::
1:05 PM ::
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Sunday, September 21, 2003
Johnny Cash, John Ritter leave us a legacy of music and laughter
One of the saddest things about growing up and getting older is the increasing losses that you encounter - losses of your heroes, icons and contemporaries. I have had a wrestling match with bouts of blue funk off and on all summer long. The losses of Gregory Peck, Katharine Hepburn, David Brinkley, Bob Hope to name only a few - and more recently - the great Johnny Cash and the eternally young and very funny John Ritter - has brought me to tears more than I ever would have imagined.
I don't grieve for them, because I know they have found their Stairway to Heaven. I grieve for those of us left behind; I grieve for the loss of the era, the time that soon will be no more. That is the way of the world; the way it is meant to be. But even knowing this it is impossible not to want to hold on to those moments in time when they were still with us. When the world that I inhabited was younger and felt safer and somehow more solid.
I just watched the most moving rendition of NIN's
Hurt as performed by a vulnerable Johnny Cash and it is a most heartbreaking and breathtaking performance and I had to share the link. For a moving tribute to Cash's most recent work, read the wonderful
Gospel According to Johnny Cash.
John Ritter was a highly underrated talent, with an incredible gift to give: the gift of laughter. I think I was probably more shocked by his death than any other this summer and I am having a very hard time coming to terms with it. He just seemed much too young and too alive to be gone so quickly and without warning.
A tribute to this enormously talented and charismatic all around nice guy was found along with
CBS News report of his death.
Both of these great talents will be missed for the joy that they gave us all. My most heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to the grieving loved ones they have left behind.
Posted by etherealfire ::
1:21 AM ::
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Friday, September 19, 2003
hurricanes and spirals in nature
We can be certain that autumn has arrived because with it (in ever more frequent occurrence) comes the ushering in of Hurricane season...
This was a really interesting
article about a connection in comparison that I'd never thought about before....
Hurricanes are powerful and awesome forces of destruction but from a space eye's view it has a deceptively peaceful quality of mystical beauty.
Here is an amazing look at the frightening beautiful eye of Hurricane Isabel - from the outside looking in! Photo was found at a Space.Com's
Image of the day.
Posted by etherealfire ::
3:43 PM ::
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Saturday, September 13, 2003
cold mountain
As a fan of the book
Cold Mountain I was thrilled to stumble upon
this! I am really excited about the
upcoming movie which I hope will be as true to the book as is possible.
Posted by etherealfire ::
3:51 PM ::
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in celebration of fall!
Autumn is on its way - even the touch of it that we get in Southern CA - and with it comes the annual "falling" of the dinner plate sized maple leaves from our tree in the backyard. I'm inspired to revel in the world of autumn leaves. I have been crunching through bunches of them in the last couple of days - I LOVE that wonderful crunchy sound!!!
Here's some autumn leaves related links for inspiration and contemplation:
Waxing poetic about autumn leaves!
Preserving the beauty and
scrapbooking of autumn leaves!
Finding some of the best places to commune with the autumn leaves!
Images of autumn leaves and
other autumny things!
fun fall facts to herald the beginning of the season!
And finally
autumn beauty for contemplation!
Posted by etherealfire ::
3:44 PM ::
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Monday, September 01, 2003
haven't we done this before?
Ever had that feeling of ---- deja vu? One possible
explanation can be found here!
Posted by etherealfire ::
2:44 PM ::
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